Refund Policy

30-Day Refund Guarantee

We want our users to feel confident when trying out StudioHub. That’s why we offer a 30-day refund policy. If you decide to cancel your subscription within the first 30 days, you will receive a full refund. This allows you to explore our services without risk during the initial period.

No Refunds for Annual Payments

Our annual subscriptions come with a discounted rate, designed to reward users who commit to StudioHub for the long term. Since annual subscriptions come with a discounted rate, we do not offer refunds, including partial refunds, for these plans. This is to ensure fairness to all users, including those who pay month-to-month without a discount.

No Pro-Rated Refunds

StudioHub does not provide pro-rated refunds for any remaining subscription period after cancellation. We encourage users to carefully choose their service terms to make sure they are selecting the best option for their needs.

By using this website, you understand the information being presented is provided for informational purposes only and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. StudioHub relies on information from various sources, including clients and third parties, but cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of that information.

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